Settling In
I've decided not to go to London for the ceremony - I know it's a shame but it's really a bit silly to fly 28 hours there and back, with the added expenses, to attend something that I don't even know if I'll win ultimately, even though there's the free flow champagne to think about. I guess it's enough that I can add this on my CV...
Am finally settling back home - it felt really weird and strange and I never banked on having the culture shock that I did - there are just so many chinese people around! I always thought we were more cosmopolitan than that - but I guess aside from the trendy/city areas, it's still very much occupied by heartlanders who don't speak good english or speak none at all - I think I preferred it when I was the only oriental in the village.
Our flat's starting to look really nice - before and after pics coming up!
I'm finally starting work this monday - seems like it's been ages but I'm finally gonna start my six-year bond. whoopee. On the plus side, I've just been told that my subbing stint has been postponed so instead of working 5pm-1.30am every day - which translates into no-life, no-seeing-my-friends-family-and-boyfriend, no-joy-and-sunshine - I've been assigned to regular reporting! Which means regular 9am to (most likely) 9pm hours! Yay!
I got my contract yesterday and I'm a bit dismayed at my starting pay. My peers are earning much more in banks... I sometimes wonder if I did the right thing by giving up my place in law school. But hey - you know what?
At least I enjoy my job.